Donor Nexus Blog

A Heartfelt Letter to Every DEIVF Mama-To-Be

Donor Eggs Epigenetics Intended Parent Resources

In this blog post, a DEIVF mother shares a heartfelt letter to new or soon-to-be mothers via donor egg. "Our bond is like nothing I could have ever imagined..."

Finding Hope: Endometriosis, Infertility and Donor Egg IVF

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

Endometriosis is more common than you may think – affecting approximately 1 in 10 women of reproductive age, which is about 190 million women globally. By bringing more attention to endometriosis, we aim to foster a more empathetic environment where these women feel seen, validated, and supported.

Understanding BMI Requirements for Egg Donation

Egg Donor Resources

In this blog post, we'll discuss why BMI matters for egg donation and offer tips to help you achieve a healthy BMI if you're considering becoming an egg donor.

Can You Donate Eggs with Your Tubes Tied?

Egg Donor Resources

If you're considering egg donation but have undergone tubal ligation, commonly known as having your tubes tied, you may wonder if you're still eligible to donate eggs. The short answer? Yes, it's possible, and here's why.

Breaking Down the Costs: Embryo Adoption vs. Embryo Donation

Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

In this blog, we break down the costs of using donor embryos in IVF and compare the costs associated with embryo donation to the costs associated with embryo adoption. Let's dive in!

Will My Donor Egg Baby Look Like Me? My Personal Experience

Donor Eggs Epigenetics

"Without her having my DNA, I still see so many parts of myself in her..." "Many things are biologically imprinted on your baby’s fetus during the development of his/her gene expression while in your womb.."

Victoria’s Successful Journey to Baby #2

Donor Eggs Donor Egg Success Stories Frozen Donor Eggs Intended Parent Stories

In this frozen donor egg success story testimonial, a special mother shares her experience with the Donor Nexus Egg Bank.

Side Effects of Egg Donation: What to Expect

Egg Donor Resources

In this blog, we cover all the possible side effects of egg donation and address concerns for potential long-term risks. Learn more!

Understanding Nonidentified vs. Open ID Embryo Donation

Embryo Donation

Our embryo donation program offers nonidentified or open ID options to allow the donor(s) and recipient(s) to have the relationship they desire. Learn more!

How Long Is the Egg Donation Process From Start to Finish?

Egg Donor Resources

At Donor Nexus, we offer the fastest matching time in the industry, which means our egg donors have the opportunity to donate with the most minimal time commitment possible. Learn more about our timeline options in this blog post!

2023 Wrapped: Our Year In Review

Donor Eggs

As we reflect on 2023, we are filled with gratitude for our intended parents, donors, surrogates, and clinic partners who have all played a role in making this year so special.

In Their Own Words: 7 Insights on Egg Donation Side Effects

Egg Donor Resources

In this blog, we've compiled 7 insights and tips from previous egg donors who openly shared their experiences with egg donation side effects and recovery.

Is Donating Eggs Painful? What to Expect

Egg Donor Resources

Discover what to expect from each phase of egg donation - possible pain or discomfort from medications, injections and the procedure - as told by previous donors.

If I Donate My Eggs, Can I Still Have Babies?

Egg Donor Resources Videos

If you’ve considered becoming an egg donor, you’ve likely been curious about whether donating your eggs will affect your future fertility. It’s an important question to ask! Even if you’re not ready to have children of your own now, you should still feel confident that the door will be open if and w

Navigating Donor Conception: Understanding Privacy vs. Secrecy

Donor Conception Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

Deciding what to share with others can be a delicate balancing act between privacy and secrecy. In this blog, we share some tips for finding a balance that works for you.

An Overview of Our Egg Donor Application

Egg Donor Resources

In this video, we provide an overview of our online egg donor application to help you know what to expect before getting started!

Explaining Donor Conception to Your Child: Dos and Don'ts

Donor Conception Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

While each family must choose what feels right for them, we’re here to share some helpful dos and don'ts to help guide you through the process.

5 Quick Tips to Help Overcome Fear of Needles

Egg Donor Resources

Egg donation involves a series of self-injections and in-clinic blood draws that can make the process less than fun. Luckily, there are some things you can do to reduce your needle anxiety and reduce pain with injections.

Donor Nexus Launches New Program For Egg Donors

Egg Donor Resources

We're proud to announce our new program offering for egg donors – The Donor Nexus Futures Program! Freeze your eggs for free when you donate half to be used by another family. Learn more!

Should I Use Donor Eggs? Deciding When to Make the "Leap"

Intended Parent Resources

Dr. Daniel Potter shares his thoughts about when is the right time to start thinking about using donor eggs to start or add to your family.

Page 3 of 8, showing 20 posts(s) out of 152 total

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