Donor Nexus Blog

If I Donate My Eggs, Can I Still Have Babies?

Egg Donor Resources Videos

If you’ve considered becoming an egg donor, you’ve likely been curious about whether donating your eggs will affect your future fertility. It’s an important question to ask! Even if you’re not ready to have children of your own now, you should still feel confident that the door will be open if and w

Navigating Donor Conception: Understanding Privacy vs. Secrecy

Donor Conception Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

Deciding what to share with others can be a delicate balancing act between privacy and secrecy. In this blog, we share some tips for finding a balance that works for you.

An Overview of Our Egg Donor Application

Egg Donor Resources

In this video, we provide an overview of our online egg donor application to help you know what to expect before getting started!

Explaining Donor Conception to Your Child: Dos and Don'ts

Donor Conception Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

While each family must choose what feels right for them, we’re here to share some helpful dos and don'ts to help guide you through the process.

Navigating the Holidays While Pursuing Donor Egg IVF

Intended Parent Resources

If you are currently pursuing IVF with donor eggs or donor embryos, here are some tips to help you get through the holidays with more ease and joy.

5 Quick Tips to Help Overcome Fear of Needles

Egg Donor Resources

Egg donation involves a series of self-injections and in-clinic blood draws that can make the process less than fun. Luckily, there are some things you can do to reduce your needle anxiety and reduce pain with injections.

Donor Nexus Launches New Program For Egg Donors

Egg Donor Resources

We're proud to announce our new program offering for egg donors – The Donor Nexus Futures Program! Freeze your eggs for free when you donate half to be used by another family. Learn more!

Should I Use Donor Eggs? Deciding When to Make the "Leap"

Intended Parent Resources

Dr. Daniel Potter shares his thoughts about when is the right time to start thinking about using donor eggs to start or add to your family.

Donor Nexus Honors Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

Intended Parent Resources

October recognizes Pregnancy and Infant Loss. If someone you know or yourself have experienced the loss of a child to stillbirth, miscarriage, SIDS, please join Donor Nexus in raising awareness around pregnancy loss. 

Deciding Between First-Time and Proven Egg Donors

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

In this blog, we discuss important factors that should be taken into consideration, such as success rates and what the reality of going through a cycle with both first-time and proven donors tends to look like from our experience. 

5 Ways to Care for Your Body When Donating Eggs

Egg Donor Resources

Your physical and mental state are important when you are completing an egg donation cycle. Learn some tips here!

How Important is Eye Color When Selecting an Egg Donor?

Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

Of all the things to imagine when daydreaming about your future baby, eye color may be one of the most common things for parents to envision. For some intended parent(s), eye color may be a big deciding factor in which egg donor to choose. Let's discuss the complex factors that go into eye color.

7 Ways I Learned to Cope With Infertility Grief

Donor Eggs Videos Intended Parent Resources

Victoria Nino spent many years coping with infertility and is here to share her lessons on infertility grief. Find tips and support options in this blog post.

If I Donate Eggs, Is the Child Biologically Mine?

Egg Donor Resources

As you consider the impact of your decision to donate eggs, it's natural to wonder about the biological connection between you and the child(ren) born from your donated eggs. Learn all about it in this blog!

Frozen Egg Banking vs. One-on-One Cycle

Egg Donor Resources Videos

In this video, we explain the difference between participating in a Frozen Egg Banking Cycle compared to a One-on-One Cycle for egg donors.

Why Choose a Boutique Egg Bank?

Intended Parent Resources

As a boutique egg bank, Donor Nexus is able to provide personalized care and support to our patients throughout their unique journeys. Learn more!

What if My Ideal Egg Donor Is a Genetic Carrier?

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

As you browse through the Donor Nexus egg donor database, you’ve likely come across several profiles that indicate that the egg donor is a genetic carrier of a certain condition. This may sound alarming to intended parents at first, which is why we are here to explain what exactly it means.

What Is a Sibling Cycle?

Egg Donor Resources Videos

A "sibling cycle" refers to a second egg donation with a set of intended parents that you’ve previously donated with. Learn more!

Important Update: From “Anonymous” to “Nonidentified” Donations

Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Egg Donor Resources Intended Parent Resources

In this blog, we discuss the implications of commercial genetic testing technology on anonymous egg donation and embryo donation. Learn more!

What is a Genetic Consult for Egg Donors?

Egg Donor Resources Videos

During your genetic consultation, a genetic counselor will review your personal and family medical history. Learn more!

Page 3 of 8, showing 20 posts(s) out of 141 total

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