Donor Nexus Blog

My Egg Donor Experience, by Donor J

Egg Donor Stories

"After the donation I received the kindest letter from the intended parents. It made a HUGE impact on me."

All Eggs in One Basket: The Importance of Having a Back-up Plan

Intended Parent Resources

As we know, not everything in life is guaranteed. When you make the decision to use an egg donor to conceive, it’s good to have a back-up plan in the event you come across a “bump in the road”.

"The Story of a Frozen Princess"

Intended Parent Stories

Our amazing intended parents David and Cori share their beautiful journey using a donor embryo to start their family.

My Egg Donor Experience, by Donor N

Egg Donor Stories

"I have done 5 cycles so far, soon to be 6. Every single donation resulted in a happy ending…babies! Some were even twins!"

My Egg Donor Experience by Donor D.

Egg Donor Stories

"Being a mother myself, I couldn't even imagine what the intended parents are going through with trying to conceive. When I first found out about egg donation, I was a little bit nervous, but very excited to be able to help others."

A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an Egg Donor

Egg Donor Resources

We have had the opportunity of working closely with many young women on their journey to becoming egg donors for the first time. Drawing on this experience, we have put together a comprehensive step-by-step guide for anyone interested in donating eggs with Donor Nexus.

Why a Proven Egg Donor Backed Out of a Cycle

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

Sometimes, proven egg donors may back out of a cycle for various reasons. Read about a similar situation in this blog post.

The Questions to Ask Before You Choose an Egg Donor Agency

Intended Parent Resources

It is important to ensure you are armed with the knowledge and understanding of the process in its entirety before committing to a specific donor or agency. Below is a brief list of questions that will help reduce risk and increase the likelihood of success.

A Perfect Pair: The Recap of a Donor and Intended Parent Meeting

Donor Eggs

We are always excited to facilitate a meeting between Intended Parents and their chosen Egg Donors if both parties agree. Read about a recent meeting here!

Donor Nexus Partners With Family Equality

Intended Parent Resources

Donor Nexus has been welcoming and offering family-building solutions to LGBTQ+ community members since our establishment in 2012. Now, we are excited to announce our partnership with Family Equality, an organization that is fighting to protect and support LGBTQ+ families.

National Infertility Awareness Week 2021

Intended Parent Resources

Mark your calendars! This year, National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is April 18-24th. Founded in 1989 by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, NIAW is the largest public awareness campaign that addresses infertility. 

New Program Announcement! Independent Match Embryo Coordination

Embryo Donation

As the only agency in the industry offering this service, Donor Nexus is proud to share our newest program offering, Independent Match Embryo Coordination, which will assist embryo donors and recipients who have found each other on their own.

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