Donor Nexus Blog

Birth Control Before IVF? Find Out Why!

Intended Parent Resources

IVF birth control protocols are commonly recommended by doctors, but why? In this blog, we dive into when to start, how long you are on birth control, and more.

Why Become an Egg Donor? 3 Reasons Shared by Previous Donors

Egg Donor Stories

Why become an egg donor? Well, we asked some of our amazing previous egg donors and compiled their reasons to be an egg donor in this post!

Should I Use Donor Eggs? Will I Have Any Regrets?

Donor Eggs Videos

"I remember the exact moment I was first faced with the question, “should I use donor eggs?” I knew this wasn’t a decision I could make on the spot...

Can You Donate Eggs With an IUD?

Egg Donor Resources

You can donate eggs with an IUD. However, if your IUD is hormonal, it may need to be removed once you have been chosen as an egg donor. Learn more in this blog post!

"To Make A Miracle" My Egg Donation Experience (Video)

Videos Egg Donor Stories

Since this lovely donor was conceived via donor eggs herself, she feels an immense connection to egg donation and passionately shares her purpose.

Can You Donate Eggs After Having a Baby?

Egg Donor Resources

At Donor Nexus, several of our egg donors have children of their own and choose to donate eggs to help other women and families experience the same joy they have experienced from parenthood.

Finding Common Ground: An Intended Parent & Egg Donor Meeting

Intended Parent Stories

Our recent intended parent-egg donor meeting was with a single mother who wanted a nonidentified egg donation but also wanted to meet her egg donor in person. She felt a deep connection to the donor and wanted the opportunity to get to know her better in-person.

What Are The Benefits of Working With an Egg Donor Agency?

Intended Parent Resources

When you have the support and knowledge of an egg donor agency, their insight can make your fertility journey smoother. You have both an advocate and an experienced advisor on what matters need to be handled - from medical to legal, plus, they can help you get the answers you need.

We’ve Completed Our Family and Have Extra Embryos: Now What?

Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

When a couple or individual completes their family, they often times have left over embryos. Many patients wonder what they do with the extra embryos. There are three options available to patients.

Donor Nexus Partners with CryoStork®

Frozen Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

CryoStork® serves an integral role in our Frozen Donor Egg Program, allowing us to utilize their scientifically-enhanced technology to ship our frozen donor egg lots domestically & internationally. We are proud to share that this superior shipping solution is included in our frozen cycles.

An Overview of Embryo Grading at Donor Nexus

Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

The grading of an embryo is determined by the embryologist at the time the embryo is frozen. It is a method used to evaluate the quality of the embryo. Donor Nexus partners with HRC Fertility, whose embryo grading is as follows.

Our Donor Embryo Success Rates for the First Half of 2020

Intended Parent Resources

The first half of 2020 has been such a challenging time for so many of us. With many fertility clinics closing and patients being unable to start medications, there has been a lot of uncertainty for patients seeking treatment.

Does Egg Donor Blood Type Matter?

Intended Parent Resources

The egg donor’s blood type does not impact the IVF cycle or the health of the child. However, there are circumstances in which the blood type is important. Learn more!

Why I Decided to Be an Egg Donor (VIDEO)

Videos Egg Donor Stories

"Parents that embark on on this experience — that go down the road of egg donation — they’re so ready. They are so prepared to love and care for these children..."

NIAW: National Infertility Awareness Week 2020

Intended Parent Resources

As an avid supporter of RESOLVE, Donor Nexus is proud to participate in the #ChangeTheConversation campaign and do our part to spread awareness, advocacy, and compassion regarding infertility.

Baby Announcement: Twin Girls Born Via Embryo Donation!

Embryo Donation Intended Parent Stories

Congratulations to this Intended Parent who recently had twins using donor embryos IVF!

Finding Hope After Failed IVF: Sandy's Journey to Parenthood

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Stories

"My experience with everyone at HRC and Donor Nexus was amazing. I could not have asked for a better team of people to work with. I miss all them dearly and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to start their journey into motherhood."

Egg Donor Experience by Donor J (VIDEO)

Egg Donor Stories

In this video, 8-time egg donor Jenny shares her experience with conceiving shortly after donating eggs. Spoiler alert: baby on the way!

Information for Pregnant Patients Regarding COVID-19

Intended Parent Resources

Original Post: March 20th, 2020. For updated information regarding the COVID-19 vaccination and pregnancy/fertility, visit:

Advice for First-Time Egg Donors (VIDEO)


I have been a donor twice, and one thing I have found that would be a great piece of advice for a first-time egg donor is to follow the diet plan that they give you. Drinking lots of Gatorade, lots of protein, and lots of salt. I have really found that that helps with the recovery process.

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