National Infertility Awareness Week 2021
National Infertility Awareness Week 2021 | by Donor Nexus

NIAW 2021Mark your calendars! This year, National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is April 18-24th. Founded in 1989 by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, NIAW is the largest public awareness campaign that addresses infertility. 

As a long-time supporter of RESOLVE, we at Donor Nexus are gearing up for another impactful NIAW!

NIAW 2021 #WhatIWantYoutoKnow

As a part of NIAW, RESOLVE selects a yearly theme to help drive the conversation. This year, the theme is #WhatIWantYoutoKnow.

The #WhatIWantYoutoKnow campaign is encouraging people to share their stories of how infertility has impacted the many facets of their lives. Approximately one in eight couples (seven million people of childbearing age in the United States) experience infertility, yet the topic is still stigmatized and individuals still face barriers when it comes to seeking treatments to build their family.

At Donor Nexus, we have been working closely with infertile couples and individuals for the past nine years. We hear their stories day in and day out and can testify to the importance of each and every story. We are hopeful that shining a light on these brave personal stories will help others to understand the reality of living with infertility in a way that sharing facts and statistics alone could not accomplish.

If you’re looking for inspiration to write your story or an outlet to share your story, RESOLVE has an entire webpage dedicated to storytelling

Why We Need to Keep the Conversation on Infertility Going

NIAW 2021As stated by RESOLVE,

Ever talk to a friend or family member and their idea of what infertility is seems so different than reality? Wish your employer understood your request for insurance coverage? Want to change a policy in your state that makes access to care possible? We need your help to raise awareness and change the conversation around infertility.”

Normalizing non-traditional paths to parenthood brings advocacy, compassion, and social change. We need to keep the conversation on infertility going, and focus on the support needed to resolve infertility, including non-discriminatory access to care and infertility insurance coverage.



Empowering You and Changing the Conversation

We are passionate about NIAW because it gives us an opportunity to recognize, honor, and fight for people who are fighting to have a family. We have shared some resources below to help you prepare for NIAW!

Helpful Resources from RESOLVE:


Get in Touch

We are always here to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to start your journey!