For women who are wondering, “can you donate eggs after having a baby?” The answer is yes! At Donor Nexus, several of our egg donors have children of their own and choose to donate eggs to help other women and families experience the same joy they have experienced from parenthood.
Generally, previous pregnancies will not disqualify you from donating eggs. Actually, some clinics prefer egg donors who have had successful births already or have donated eggs successfully before. Since your body and eggs allowed you to get pregnant and have a baby, it shows that you are fertile and probably have healthy eggs.
At Donor Nexus, our egg donors are thoroughly screened for fertility and we are equally open to applicants who are mothers as well as applicants who are not mothers.
How Long After Having A Baby Can You Donate Eggs?

Typically, you can donate eggs after having a baby once you have fully recovered from the delivery and have stopped breastfeeding. A donor can generally start her medical screening with her second normal period after she has completely stopped breastfeeding. Even if you previously donated before pregnancy, you will still need completely updated labs and testing for an egg donation cycle after having a baby.
If you recently had a baby and are interested in egg donation, you can apply now and let us know about your situation. If you are accepted into our egg donor programs, we can upload your profile onto our egg donor database for interested recipients to view. We will make a note that you will not be available until you are fully recovered and have discontinued nursing. We will maintain transparency with you and any interested recipient(s) to make sure that you can donate when you are ready.
For all mamas out there who are considering donating eggs after having a baby: you are absolutely still welcome to apply to our egg donor program! If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our egg donor coordinators at