
Donor Nexus Blog

for Intended Parents


A collection of resources, research, and personal stories to empower you with knowledge and hope on your journey


How Important is Eye Color When Selecting an Egg Donor?

Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Intended Parent Resources

Of all the things to imagine when daydreaming about your future baby, eye color may be one of the most common things for parents to envision. For some intended parent(s), eye color may be a big deciding factor in which egg donor to choose. Let's discuss the complex factors that go into eye color.

7 Ways I Learned to Cope With Infertility Grief

Donor Eggs Videos Intended Parent Resources

Victoria Nino spent many years coping with infertility and is here to share her lessons on infertility grief. Find tips and support options in this blog post.

Why Choose a Boutique Egg Bank?

Intended Parent Resources

As a boutique egg bank, Donor Nexus is able to provide personalized care and support to our patients throughout their unique journeys. Learn more!

What if My Ideal Egg Donor Is a Genetic Carrier?

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

As you browse through the Donor Nexus egg donor database, you’ve likely come across several profiles that indicate that the egg donor is a genetic carrier of a certain condition. This may sound alarming to intended parents at first, which is why we are here to explain what exactly it means.

Important Update: From “Anonymous” to “Nonidentified” Donations

Donor Eggs Embryo Donation Egg Donor Resources Intended Parent Resources

In this blog, we discuss the implications of commercial genetic testing technology on anonymous egg donation and embryo donation. Learn more!

Mother’s Day and Infertility: 5 Tips for Finding Peace

Intended Parent Resources

For hopeful mothers facing infertility, Mother's Day can be tough. In this blog, we share a few simple tips to keep in mind this Mother’s Day.

3 Reasons Why We Love and Support NIAW

Intended Parent Resources

NIAW is a movement which raises awareness about infertility and provides support for those affected by it. In this blog, we share 3 reasons why we love and support NIAW!

5 Ways to Get Involved & Raise Awareness During NIAW®

Intended Parent Resources

Get ready, it’s almost National Infertility Awareness Week! NIAW 2023 is April 23rd - April 29th. As a proud partner of RESOLVE, we are gearing up for another impactful week of raising awareness and removing stigmas surrounding infertility. We hope you'll join us!

PCOS-Friendly Snacks: Nourishing Your Body & Managing Symptoms

Intended Parent Resources

For those navigating the complexities of PCOS, finding the right snacks can be a game-changer in maintaining a balanced diet and keeping symptoms at bay. Here are some PCOS-friendly snacks that are not only nutritious but also delicious.

Beautiful Baby Boy Born Via Frozen Donor Egg

Donor Eggs Frozen Donor Eggs Intended Parent Stories

We are thrilled to share the news of the arrival of baby Vaun Lunnen Niño, born February 26th, 2023. We are honored to be a part of the journey of this beautiful family of 4!

"You Should Consider Using Donor Eggs" - Now What?

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Resources

Finding a starting point can be difficult when you’ve never traveled down this path before. Here are a few things we recommend when you find out you need an egg donor.

New Program Announcement: Surrogacy

Intended Parent Resources

Donor Nexus is excited to announce that we now officially offer a Surrogacy Program. Learn more!

Are Egg Donors Required to Be Vaccinated?

Donor Eggs Frozen Donor Eggs Fresh Egg Donation Intended Parent Resources

Given what we’ve all experienced these past few years with COVID-19, it’s becoming more common for intended parents to wonder whether or not an egg donor has received the COVID-19 vaccination and/or booster shots.

Choosing A Premier Egg Donor

Intended Parent Resources

Did you know that Donor Nexus offers a Premier Egg Donor Program? This program is an excellent option for intended parents who are seeking an egg donor with specific desirable traits or characteristics. 

Pen Pals: Letters Between an Intended Parent an Egg Donor

Donor Eggs Intended Parent Stories

"I really want you to know how extraordinarily grateful I am to you for giving me this opportunity to live a dream that was born so long ago. I wish you all the happiness in the world and may one day you have a family of your own and feel the love and excitement motherhood brings.”

Finding Hope: An Intended Parent and Egg Donor Meeting

Intended Parent Stories

"There is a loving mother who has yearned to complete her family for years and now, because of her selfless act, she has hope that it is possible!"

Donor Embryo Success Rates (Embryo Adoption or Donation)

Embryo Donation

It’s important to be informed of donor embryo success rates when deciding whether embryo donation/adoption is right for you. Let's dive into the numbers!

Donor Nexus Interview with Cryoport®

Intended Parent Resources

Donor Nexus was recently interviewed by the team at Cryoport® for a feature on their blog! We are honored to share the interview with you to provide some insights into Donor Nexus, the donor industry, and our valuable partnership with Cryoport®.

Donor Conception Day Instagram LIVE: Wednesday, April 27th

Fresh Egg Donation

What is it like to be an egg donor? How do children feel about being conceived using donor eggs? In honor of Donor Conception Awarenes Day, one of our very own egg donors will be going LIVE on our Instagram to chat about both sides of egg donation. Don't miss it!

It's National Infertility Awareness Week!

Intended Parent Resources

At Donor Nexus, we are passionate about NIAW because it gives us an opportunity to recognize, honor, and fight for people who are fighting to have a family. We have shared some resources below to hel

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